これは 😺TECHSCORE Advent Calendar 2019😺の18日目の記事です。
そんな折AWS CDKのことを知り、試しに簡単な構成をAWS CDKで作成してみることにしました。
利用するAWS CDKのAPIについて
Developer GuideやAPI Referenceを見ると、AWS CDKのAPIにはCloudFormationの各リソースタイプ(VPC等)と1対1で対応している低レベルなものと、より高レベルなもの(例えば、VPCやサブネットを作成する際にインターネットゲートウェイやルートテーブル、ルートといった関連リソースを自動的に作成・関連付けしてくれる)があるようですが、利用するAZやサブネットの個数を柔軟にコントロールしたかったので、今回は低レベルAPIの方を試してみたいと思います。
Getting Started With the AWS CDKに従って、AWS CDKを実行する環境を準備します。
AWS CDKの言語には、Pythonを選択します。
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curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo bash - sudo yum install python3 sudo yum install nodejs sudo npm install -g aws-cdk |
OS: Amazon Linux release 2 (Karoo)
node: v10.17.0
npm: 6.11.3
Python: 3.7.4
pip: 19.0.3
cdk: 1.18.0
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export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=Specifies your access key. export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=Specifies your secret access key. export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-northeast-1 |
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AWSCloudFormationFullAccess AmazonEC2FullAccess AmazonS3FullAccess |
パブリックサブネットにはNAT Gatewayを配置します。
AWS CDKアプリの雛形を作成
Getting Started With the AWS CDKにあるようにアプリの雛形を作成し、AWS CDKのモジュールをインストールします。
その他のモジュールについてはAWS CDK Python Referenceを参照してください。
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mkdir my-network cd my-network cdk init --language python source .env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt pip install --upgrade aws-cdk.core pip install --upgrade aws-cdk.aws_ec2 |
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└── my-network ├── README.md ├── app.py ├── cdk.json ├── my_network │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── my_network.egg-info │ │ ├── PKG-INFO │ │ ├── SOURCES.txt │ │ ├── dependency_links.txt │ │ ├── requires.txt │ │ └── top_level.txt │ └── my_network_stack.py ├── requirements.txt └── setup.py |
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from aws_cdk import core class MyNetworkStack(core.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) # The code that defines your stack goes here |
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└── my-network ├── README.md ├── app.py ├── cdk.json ├── my_network │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── my_network.egg-info │ │ ├── PKG-INFO │ │ ├── SOURCES.txt │ │ ├── dependency_links.txt │ │ ├── requires.txt │ │ └── top_level.txt │ └── my_network_stack.py │ └── my_resources │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── availability_zone.py │ ├── nat_gateway.py │ ├── route.py │ ├── subnet.py │ └── vpc.py ├── requirements.txt └── setup.py |
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class AvailabilityZone: def __init__(self, region='ap-northeast-1') -> None: self.__region = region if self.__region == 'ap-northeast-1': self.__names = ['ap-northeast-1a', 'ap-northeast-1c', 'ap-northeast-1d'] else: self.__names = [] @property def names(self) -> list: return self.__names def name(self, az_number) -> str: return self.__names[az_number] |
nat_gateway.py(NAT Gateway)
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import hashlib from aws_cdk import ( core, aws_ec2, ) def create_nat_gateway(scope: core.Construct, vpc: aws_ec2.CfnVPC, subnet: aws_ec2.CfnSubnet) -> aws_ec2.CfnNatGateway: vpc_id = [tag['value'] for tag in vpc.tags.render_tags() if tag['key'] == 'Name'].pop() subnet_id = [tag['value'] for tag in subnet.tags.render_tags() if tag['key'] == 'Name'].pop() id = hashlib.md5(subnet_id.encode()).hexdigest() eip = aws_ec2.CfnEIP(scope, f'{vpc_id}/EIP-{id}') nat_gateway = aws_ec2.CfnNatGateway(scope, f'{vpc_id}/NatGateway-{id}', allocation_id=eip.attr_allocation_id, subnet_id=subnet.ref, tags=[core.CfnTag( key='Name', value=f'{vpc_id}/NatGateway-{id}', )], ) return nat_gateway |
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import hashlib from aws_cdk import ( core, aws_ec2, ) def create_privagte_route_table(scope: core.Construct, vpc: aws_ec2.CfnVPC, nat_gateway: aws_ec2.CfnNatGateway) -> aws_ec2.CfnRouteTable: vpc_id = [tag['value'] for tag in vpc.tags.render_tags() if tag['key'] == 'Name'].pop() ngw_id = [tag['value'] for tag in nat_gateway.tags.render_tags() if tag['key'] == 'Name'].pop() id = hashlib.md5(ngw_id.encode()).hexdigest() route_table = aws_ec2.CfnRouteTable(scope, f'{vpc_id}/RouteTable-{id}', vpc_id=vpc.ref, tags=[core.CfnTag( key='Name', value=f'{vpc_id}/RouteTable-{id}', )], ) aws_ec2.CfnRoute(scope, f'{vpc_id}/Route-{id}', route_table_id=route_table.ref, destination_cidr_block='', nat_gateway_id=nat_gateway.ref, ) return route_table def create_public_route_table(scope: core.Construct, vpc: aws_ec2.CfnVPC, internet_gateway: aws_ec2.CfnInternetGateway) -> aws_ec2.CfnRouteTable: vpc_id = [tag['value'] for tag in vpc.tags.render_tags() if tag['key'] == 'Name'].pop() igw_id = [tag['value'] for tag in internet_gateway.tags.render_tags() if tag['key'] == 'Name'].pop() id = hashlib.md5(igw_id.encode()).hexdigest() route_table = aws_ec2.CfnRouteTable(scope, f'{vpc_id}/RouteTable-{id}', vpc_id=vpc.ref, tags=[core.CfnTag( key='Name', value=f'{vpc_id}/RouteTable-{id}', )], ) aws_ec2.CfnRoute(scope, f'{id}/Route-{id}', route_table_id=route_table.ref, destination_cidr_block='', gateway_id=internet_gateway.ref, ) return route_table def create_route_table_association(scope: core.Construct, vpc: aws_ec2.CfnVPC, subnet: aws_ec2.CfnSubnet, route_table: aws_ec2.CfnRouteTable) -> aws_ec2.CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation: vpc_id = [tag['value'] for tag in vpc.tags.render_tags() if tag['key'] == 'Name'].pop() subnet_id = [tag['value'] for tag in subnet.tags.render_tags() if tag['key'] == 'Name'].pop() id = hashlib.md5(subnet_id.encode()).hexdigest() association = aws_ec2.CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation(scope, f'{vpc_id}/SubnetRouteTableAssociation-{id}', route_table_id=route_table.ref, subnet_id=subnet.ref, ) return association |
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import hashlib import ipaddress import uuid from aws_cdk import ( core, aws_ec2, ) from my_resources import ( availability_zone, vpc, ) class SubnetGroup: def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, vpc: aws_ec2.CfnVPC, *, desired_layers: int=2, desired_azs: int=2, region: str='ap-northeast-1', private_enabled: bool=True, cidr_mask: int=20) -> None: self._cidr_mask = cidr_mask self._desired_azs = desired_azs self._desired_layers = desired_layers self._private_enabled = private_enabled self._region = region self._reserved_azs = 5 self._reserved_layers = 3 self._scope = scope self._vpc = vpc self._desired_subnet_points = [] for layer_number in range(self._desired_layers): for az_number in range(self._desired_azs): self._desired_subnet_points.append([layer_number, az_number]) self._public_subnets = [] self._private_subnets = [] @property def cidr_mask(self) -> int: return self._cidr_mask @property def desired_azs(self) -> int: return self._desired_azs @property def desired_layers(self) -> int: return self._desired_layers @property def desired_subnet_points(self) -> list: return self._desired_subnet_points @property def private_enabled(self) -> bool: return self._private_enabled @property def private_subnets(self) -> list: return self._private_subnets @property def public_subnets(self) -> list: return self._public_subnets @property def region(self) -> str: return self._region @property def reserved_azs(self) -> int: return self._reserved_azs @property def reserved_layers(self) -> int: return self._reserved_layers @property def scope(self) -> core.Construct: return self._scope @property def vpc(self) -> aws_ec2.CfnVPC: return self._vpc def create_subnets(self) -> None: nw = ipaddress.ip_network(self.vpc.cidr_block) cidrs = list(nw.subnets(new_prefix=self.cidr_mask)) cidrs.reverse() az = availability_zone.AvailabilityZone() vpc_id = [tag['value'] for tag in self.vpc.tags.render_tags() if tag['key'] == 'Name'].pop() for layer in range(self.reserved_layers): for az_number in range(self.reserved_azs): current = [layer, az_number] cidr = str(cidrs.pop()) if current in self.desired_subnet_points: id = hashlib.md5(f'{layer}-{az_number}'.encode()).hexdigest() subnet = aws_ec2.CfnSubnet(self.scope, f'{vpc_id}/Subnet-{id}', cidr_block=cidr, vpc_id=self.vpc.ref, availability_zone=az.name(az_number), tags=[ core.CfnTag( key='Name', value=f'{vpc_id}/Subnet-{id}', ), core.CfnTag( key='Layer', value=f'{layer}', ), core.CfnTag( key='AZNumber', value=f'{az_number}', ), ], ) if self.private_enabled and layer > 0: self._private_subnets.append(subnet) else: self._public_subnets.append(subnet) |
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from aws_cdk import ( core, aws_ec2, ) def create_vpc(scope: core.Construct, id: str, *, cidr='', enable_dns_hostnames=True, enable_dns_support=True) -> aws_ec2.CfnVPC: vpc = aws_ec2.CfnVPC(scope, id, cidr_block=cidr, enable_dns_hostnames=enable_dns_hostnames, enable_dns_support=enable_dns_support, tags=[core.CfnTag( key='Name', value=id, )] ) return vpc def create_internet_gateway(scope: core.Construct, vpc: aws_ec2.CfnVPC) -> aws_ec2.CfnInternetGateway: vpc_id = [tag['value'] for tag in vpc.tags.render_tags() if tag['key'] == 'Name'].pop() internet_gateway = aws_ec2.CfnInternetGateway(scope, f'{vpc_id}/InternetGateway', tags=[core.CfnTag( key='Name', value=f'{vpc_id}/InternetGateway', )] ) aws_ec2.CfnVPCGatewayAttachment(scope, f'{vpc_id}/VPCGatewayAttachment', vpc_id=vpc.ref, internet_gateway_id=internet_gateway.ref, ) return internet_gateway |
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from aws_cdk import core from my_resources import ( vpc, subnet, nat_gateway, route, ) class MyNetworkStack(core.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) # The code that defines your stack goes here vpc_id = 'MyVPC' subnet_desired_layers = 2 subnet_desired_azs = 2 private_subnet_enabled=True v = vpc.create_vpc(self, vpc_id) igw = vpc.create_internet_gateway(self, v) subnet_group = subnet.SubnetGroup(self, v, desired_layers=subnet_desired_layers, desired_azs=subnet_desired_azs, private_enabled=private_subnet_enabled) subnet_group.create_subnets() if subnet_group.public_subnets: public_route_table = route.create_public_route_table(self, v, igw) for public_subnet in subnet_group.public_subnets: route.create_route_table_association(self, v, public_subnet, public_route_table) if subnet_group.private_subnets: private_route_tables = [] for public_subnet in subnet_group.public_subnets: ngw = nat_gateway.create_nat_gateway(self, v, public_subnet) private_route_table = route.create_privagte_route_table(self, v, ngw) private_route_tables.append(private_route_table) for private_subnet in subnet_group.private_subnets: az_number = [tag['value'] for tag in private_subnet.tags.render_tags() if tag['key'] == 'AZNumber'].pop() route.create_route_table_association(self, v, private_subnet, private_route_tables[int(az_number)]) |
cdk diff
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cdk diff |
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Stack my-network Conditions [+] Condition CDKMetadataAvailable: {"Fn::Or":[{"Fn::Or":[{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"ap-east-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"ap-northeast-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"ap-northeast-2"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"ap-south-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"ap-southeast-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"ap-southeast-2"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"ca-central-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"cn-north-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"cn-northwest-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"eu-central-1"]}]},{"Fn::Or":[{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"eu-north-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"eu-west-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"eu-west-2"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"eu-west-3"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"me-south-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"sa-east-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"us-east-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"us-east-2"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"us-west-1"]},{"Fn::Equals":[{"Ref":"AWS::Region"},"us-west-2"]}]}]} Resources [+] AWS::EC2::VPC MyVPC MyVPC [+] AWS::EC2::InternetGateway MyVPC--InternetGateway MyVPCInternetGateway [+] AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment MyVPC--VPCGatewayAttachment MyVPCVPCGatewayAttachment [+] AWS::EC2::Subnet MyVPC--Subnet-c7763203e20a64b270352752d6a1e7c6 MyVPCSubnetc7763203e20a64b270352752d6a1e7c6 [+] AWS::EC2::Subnet MyVPC--Subnet-c2eb282156233b5d827219971c8b04c2 MyVPCSubnetc2eb282156233b5d827219971c8b04c2 [+] AWS::EC2::Subnet MyVPC--Subnet-eca26941bc5187d1e2983961edb6dbb6 MyVPCSubneteca26941bc5187d1e2983961edb6dbb6 [+] AWS::EC2::Subnet MyVPC--Subnet-ea66c06c1e1c05fa9f1aa39d98dc5bc1 MyVPCSubnetea66c06c1e1c05fa9f1aa39d98dc5bc1 [+] AWS::EC2::RouteTable MyVPC--RouteTable-e7636240538bdd71bd55872aed605e26 MyVPCRouteTablee7636240538bdd71bd55872aed605e26 [+] AWS::EC2::Route e7636240538bdd71bd55872aed605e26--Route-e7636240538bdd71bd55872aed605e26 e7636240538bdd71bd55872aed605e26Routee7636240538bdd71bd55872aed605e26 [+] AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation MyVPC--SubnetRouteTableAssociation-8a80275c4aeaac9a8e6f6f36e18f5f5b MyVPCSubnetRouteTableAssociation8a80275c4aeaac9a8e6f6f36e18f5f5b [+] AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation MyVPC--SubnetRouteTableAssociation-7c555b7a2a9e217d5de327ca36a79a54 MyVPCSubnetRouteTableAssociation7c555b7a2a9e217d5de327ca36a79a54 [+] AWS::EC2::EIP MyVPC--EIP-8a80275c4aeaac9a8e6f6f36e18f5f5b MyVPCEIP8a80275c4aeaac9a8e6f6f36e18f5f5b [+] AWS::EC2::NatGateway MyVPC--NatGateway-8a80275c4aeaac9a8e6f6f36e18f5f5b MyVPCNatGateway8a80275c4aeaac9a8e6f6f36e18f5f5b [+] AWS::EC2::RouteTable MyVPC--RouteTable-f178a135091a35c9541fbf72fb1c8dc1 MyVPCRouteTablef178a135091a35c9541fbf72fb1c8dc1 [+] AWS::EC2::Route MyVPC--Route-f178a135091a35c9541fbf72fb1c8dc1 MyVPCRoutef178a135091a35c9541fbf72fb1c8dc1 [+] AWS::EC2::EIP MyVPC--EIP-7c555b7a2a9e217d5de327ca36a79a54 MyVPCEIP7c555b7a2a9e217d5de327ca36a79a54 [+] AWS::EC2::NatGateway MyVPC--NatGateway-7c555b7a2a9e217d5de327ca36a79a54 MyVPCNatGateway7c555b7a2a9e217d5de327ca36a79a54 [+] AWS::EC2::RouteTable MyVPC--RouteTable-765dc824da4c4f28ce886a61c6b54742 MyVPCRouteTable765dc824da4c4f28ce886a61c6b54742 [+] AWS::EC2::Route MyVPC--Route-765dc824da4c4f28ce886a61c6b54742 MyVPCRoute765dc824da4c4f28ce886a61c6b54742 [+] AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation MyVPC--SubnetRouteTableAssociation-ad32a7208c1d822e4f35b34060485714 MyVPCSubnetRouteTableAssociationad32a7208c1d822e4f35b34060485714 [+] AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation MyVPC--SubnetRouteTableAssociation-c73221f09ade1614a962f2c9c60cd682 MyVPCSubnetRouteTableAssociationc73221f09ade1614a962f2c9c60cd682 |
cdk deploy
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cdk deploy |
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my-network: deploying... my-network: creating CloudFormation changeset... ... ✅ my-network |
cdk deploy
今回はAWS CDKの低レベルAPIを試してみましたが、プログラミング言語のループ構造を利用して同じリソースを複数作成できることだけでも、YAMLで直接記述するのと比べてコード量を大幅に減らすことができ、非常に魅力的なものだと感じました。